- 13 janvier 2021
- Latifa
- 0

As internal communication, external one is capital to enhance the visibility of your project and help in the dissemination effectiveness and endeavour.
Here is a compilation of best practices highlighted from our projects with an example from each project:
Establish a collective communication plan: objective / targets/ messages by target /specific tools/
A website as early as possible!
Use the TV And radio, mass media to promote your projects, its results and to highlight its impact.
Establish accessible and searchable Institutional Repositories. Example: IUGSpace project iugspace.iugaza.edu.ps
Create a project webpage (OpenMed project) https://openmedproject.eu/results/ with an executive summary of the main results achieved throughout the three years to put in your institution website.
Think about a promotional video https://youtu.be/-ni3V0SUHoo with testimonials from the participants in the project capacity building activities.
Build cooperation with media influencers and content creators especially to target youth and special targets. (See our success stories SALEEM and PACES projects).
Think about a regular press-release https://openmedproject.eu/press-review/ for the main activities.
Ask you partners for writing special articles https://virtuallyinspired.org/portfolio/openmed/
Think about a photo gallery photo album (http://photos.openmedproject.eu/ with good memories of the project events, and a collection of videos https://videos.openmedproject.eu/ produced for the project.
Publications, website and all products and results of the project must show the Erasmus + logo (Flag with the mention: co-funded by the Erasmus + Program of the European Union).