- 15 septembre 2022
- Coordinateur Erasmus
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Prof. Rachid Guerraoui
Director of the Algorithmic Research Laboratory, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne – Switzerland
Rachid Guerraoui is professor in computer science at EPFL, where he leads the Distributed Computing Laboratory. He worked in the past with HP Labs in Palo Alto and MIT. He has been elected ACM Fellow and Professor of the College de France, and was awarded a Senior ERC Grant and a Google Focused Award.
Dr. Kaïs Hammami
Director of the Strategic Foresight Center of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO)
Kaïs Hammami holds a PhD in Strategic Foresight obtained from Paris, with honors. His doctoral thesis was supervised by Professor Michel Godet. Kaïs Hammami is the first person from the Arab world to have obtained a PhD in Strategic Foresight. At a very young age, he joined the United Nations system as a Strategic Foresight studies manager. He held several high responsibility positions.
Kaïs Hammami is currently Director of the Strategic Foresight Center of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO).

Mrs. Kristien Van den Eynde
Human Development Specialist and Country Liaison of Morocco. European Training Foundation (ETF) – UE
Kristien Van den Eynde is Human Capital Development Specialist and Country Liaison for Morocco. She is working in the European Training Foundation (ETF), for more than 15 years and specialised in entrepreneurship education and enterprise skills development. Before joining the ETF, she has been working for the EU TEMPUS mobility programme and was a teacher at the Thomas More University in Belgium. She loves to work with youth and start-ups.
Prof. Jean Luc Gilles
Training and Research Unit in Teaching, Learning and Assessment, University of Teacher Education, State of Vaud, Lausanne – Switzerland
Jean-Luc Gilles is full professor at the University of Teacher Education, State of Vaud, Lausanne in Switzerland. He has a Ph.D. in Educational Sciences from the University of Liège (Belgium). He was responsible of the Self-Training and Assessment Center (CAFEIM) and the Assessment and Standardized Testing Support Center (SMART) of the University of Liège. His research concerns the field of educational evaluation engineering. Jean-Luc Gilles is the co-founder of the Belgian spin off company « Assessment Systems and e-Solutions group » (Assess-Group SA founded in 2006) specialized in training evaluation and assessment services. He was chairman of Assess-Group from 2006 to 2016. Since 2016, this spin off is part of the company HR-ITinera that develops the Docimo platform. Jean-Luc Gilles is lecturer in a joint Master in Educational Sciences and Practices organized by the University of Teacher Education and the University of Lausanne in Switzerland. He is responsible of the new Certificate of Advanced Studies in Educational Evaluation Engineering. Jean-Luc Gilles is one of the experts of the UE Erasmus+ CBHE projects.

Simón I. Patiño University – Bolivia
Born in Bolivia, Emilio Aliss studied science at the University of Geneva, funded by Simón I. Patiño Foundation. In 1986, back in Bolivia, he obtained a specialization degree in Higher Education and taught for several years at the Catholic University (where he was director of the Department of Exact Sciences and head of the Educational Informatics Center) and at the Universidad Mayor de San Simón (state university in Cochabamba). Devoting himself to education from the year 2000, he was trained in the SMART (Methodological System for Supporting Testing) of the University of Liège in standardized assessments and in particular in the use of the cycle of Construction and Quality Management of Standardized Tests (CGQTS). He was co-author of the creation project, co-founder and Vicerector of Extension of the Simón I. Patiño Private University (USIP) in Cochabamba.
He is part of the Monitoring Committee of the International Research Group in Engineering of Evaluations in Training (www.girief.org) and currently collaborates as a scientific consultant with the UHasselt and is part as an expert of the Co-construction project North-South of a network of expertise for the use of new technologies in the evaluation of learning and teaching of the Erasmus+ project CORETEV.
Prof. Dr. Daniel Burgos
Director of Research Institute UNIR iTED, Vice-rector for International Research (UNIR Research) Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR) – Spain
Prof. Dr. Daniel Burgos works as a Full Professor of Technologies for Education; Communication and Vice-rector for International Research, at Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR). He holds a UNESCO Chair on eLearning and he is and ICDE Ambassador for Open Education. He also works as Director of the Research Institute for Innovation ; Technology in Education (UNIR iTED, http://ited.unir.net).
He worked as Director of Education Sector and Head of User Experience Lab at the Research ; Innovation Department of Atos, Spain and as assistant professor at the Open University of The Netherlands. His interests are mainly focused on Adaptive and Informal eLearning, Learning Analytics, Open Science, eGames, and eLearning Specifications. He has published over 200 scientific papers, 4 European patents, 18 authored books and 35 edited books and special issues on indexed journals. He is or has been involved in +70 European and worldwide publicly-funded projects.
In addition, he is a Professor at An-Najah National University (Palestine), an Extraordinary Professor at North-West University (South-Africa), an Adjunct Professor at Universidad Nacional de Colombia (UNAL, Colombia), and a Visiting Professor at Coventry University (United Kingdom).
He works as a consultant to the United Nations (UNECE), the European Commission; Parliament, ICESCO-FUIW, and the Russian Academy of Science. He holds 12 PhD degrees, including Computer Science and Education.”

Prof. Jean Michel Rigo
Prof. Rigo has a PhD in Biology from the University of Liège (Belgium). He was an associate professor in Physiology (“premier assistant” and then “chef de travaux”) at the University of Liège. After a research period at the laboratory of Pascal Legendre at the University Pierre & Marie Curie in Paris, he joined the physiology group at Hasselt University to develop an independent research program in neurobiology. He is now head of the group in 2009 and full professor.