- 29 juin 2020
- Latifa
- 0

Erasmus+ experience:
Erasmus+ virtual exchange was a propitious experience. It revitalizes my personality and opened a new door to discover what virtual world could offer.
Covid-19 changed our lives upside down. In a tiny fraction of time, everyone was obliged to stay distant. Thanks to Erasmus+ virtual exchange, things were different and I could remain active and connected.Erasmus+ virtual exchange was a propitious experience. It revitalizes my personality and opened a new door to discover what the virtual world could offer.
During the pandemic, I have been nominated as an ambassador of Erasmus+ virtual exchange- debate exchange- which allowed me to have an exceptional journey. I had many tasks that sharped my skills and become more aware of how connected our world is, especially in the Mediterranean region.
The mission was full of challenges, I have learned how important to be an ambassador and discovered what are the main skills that every ambassador should acquire to succeed in his/her mission starting from communication skills to the coordinations ones.
The mission showed how could the digital world could be transformative and inclusive. The Erasmus+ twitter chat was an additional activity that I adored and allowed me to exchange my thoughts about virtual capabilities.

Since COVID19, many youth were looking for a way to learn and acquire new skills, what a best way to do that than the virtual Exchange program. For that, and in partnership with the NEO Morocco, we organized a webinar on the virtual exchange program but also an online workshop on soft skills, animated by Chaimae Bourjij, a virtual exchange facilitator.