Cooperation and research for Higher Education and innovation Marrakech, 17-18 October 2022
The proceedings of the first edition of the Erasmus Scientific Days (ICESD) are published in
« The Proceeding series of Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research of Atlantis Press, part of Springer-Nature »

Mme Patricia Pilar Llombart Cussac
Ambassador of EU in MoroccoPr. Abdelatif Miraoui
Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and InnovationPr. Mustapha Bousmina
Chancellor of Hassan II Academy of Science and Technology President of Euro-Med UniversityPr. Moulay Lhassane Hbid
President of Cadi Ayyad University of MarrakechHonorary Chairs
Opening speeches
Plenary session 17th october 2022
1. Towards a vision for the future of Higher Education and innovation
Pr. Rachid Guerraoui. Director of the Algorithmic Research Laboratory, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne – Switzerland
Member of Mohammed VI Polytechnic University Computer Science Steering Committee (UM6P)- Morocco
2. Foresight in education: Exploring the future of learning and teaching : https://prezi.com/view/
Dr. Kaïs Hammami, Director of the Strategic Foresight Center of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO)
3.The READY Model :A Reference model for Educators, Activities and Development in the 21st- century READY model_KVD (2)
Mrs. Kristien Van den Eynde. Human Development Specialist and Country Liaison of Morocco. European Training Foundation (ETF) – EU
Plenary session 18th october 2022
The Erasmus+ Morocco National Office organizes in partnership with the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation, the EU Delegation to Morocco, the Conference of Universities Presidents (CPU), the first edition of the "Erasmus Scientific Days”, dedicated to high-level scientific exchange around the promotion of Higher Education and innovation. These days will take place on October 17 and 18, 2022 in Marrakech.
Erasmus Scientific Days are honorary chaired by their Excellencies: the Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation, The Ambassador of EU in Morocco and the Chancellor of Hassan II Academy of Science and Technology.
This international conference is open to all original research contribution from scholars, practitionners and Erasmus CB projects from around the world.
Selected original papers will be published in an indexed journal.
Participation is self-funded. No registration fees are applied for the Erasmus Scientific days 2022. The participation is only by registration.
Bring together researchers and professors, university officials, institutions and organizations working for and with higher education in order to present innovative initiatives and research aimed at building and strengthening the capacities of institutions, staff, students and higher education graduates (completed or ongoing projects, studies, research work, etc.).
Sharing knowledge around the areas of higher education, cooperation, mobility, internationalization and inclusion.
Promote the results of Erasmus+ projects, identify and disseminate good practices, the articulation between projects and initiatives.
Networking and strengthening partnerships for innovative perspectives in higher education.
Respond to the challenges of higher education and scientific research.
Strengthen the potential of transforming international networking into quality scientific research and good practice in educational training.
Partners & Sponsors

General Instructions
Abstract submissions are made exclusively online using “EasyChair platform submission”.
The abstract and the communication will be in English.
The abstract must show the context of the research, the methodology and the results.
Structure of the abstract
Text font: Times New Roman 12.
Title (French and English): Times New Roman 14 bold with 1.5 line spacing
Authors and affiliations: underline the main author.
The last and first name of the authors: must be in lower case and in bold the initials in upper case.
The affiliation in: Times New Roman 12 font in Italics with single spacing.
Abbreviations: must be defined before they are used.
General information: One-page maximum, single-spaced, Times New Roman font 12, margins 2.5.
April 4th 2022
Launch of the call for applications
July 1st 2022
Abstract submission deadline (You could submit at the same time the full paper)
July 31st 2022
Notification on the acceptance of abstracts
September 1st 2022
Deadline for submission of full papers
10th september 2022
Final acceptance
October 17 and 18th 2022 in Marrakech
Erasmus Scientific days