- 8 décembre 2021
- Latifa
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SEED4NA Project : series of technical training
==> Registration for the training is obligatory and can be done on the following link: https://forms.gle/
==> Training will start : December 2021 and May 2022 series of technical trainings
Erasmus+ Key action 2 Capacity Building in Higher Education project “SDI and EO Education and Training for North Africa – SEED4NA” is organizing between December 2021 and May 2022 series of technical trainings which will finish with summer schools in Dubrovnik, Croatia (May 9-14, 2022) covering Earth Observation/Remote Sensing, Spatial Data Infrastructure, GIS, Long-Life Learning, modern concepts in academic teaching and interdisciplinary topics. Each month, one topic will be presented in online training lasting 3-4 days (8-12 hours).
Besides project partners, training is open for other academic staff, researchers, students, and professionals especially from Alger, Egypt, Morocco, and Tunis.
Basics of Earth Observation and Remote Sensing technical training, December 13th – 15th, 2021.
First technical training is organized by project partner University of Zagreb Faculty of Geodesy. The Basics of Earth Observation and Remote Sensing training will deliver in a condensed manner a basic course covering this topic to academic and professional staff using or intending to use EO/RS technology in its daily work as a powerful tool for spatial analysis and interpretation of occurrences on Earth’s surface.
The Basics of Earth Observation and Remote Sensing training is an online training, consisting of daily sessions from December 13–15, 2021. These sessions will be given by Associated Professor Andrija Krtalić from the Faculty of Geodesy University of Zagreb. Each session will cover a particular topic:
- Earth Observation and Remote Sensing, electromagnetic spectrum (Monday 13 December, 13:00 – 16:00 CET)
- Sensors and Platforms in Remote Sensing (Tuesday 14 December, 13:00 – 16:00 CET)
- Pre-processing and processing of Remote Sensing Images, Application of Remote Sensing Methods, way of teaching Earth Observation and Remote Sensing basic courses (Wednesday 15 December 13:00-16:00 CET)
Participation in the sessions is free of charge and open to anyone interested in EO/RS education. The academic and professional staff, as well as students from partner countries Alger, Egypt, Morocco, and Tunis, are especially warmly invited.
==> Registration for the training is obligatory and can be done on the following link: https://forms.gle/
==> Registration is open till Saturday, December 11, 2021, when a link for participation in the training will be sent to all registered participants.
More information is available on SEED4NA project webpage http://seed4na.eu.
Previous training: https://erasmusplus.ma/seed4na-lance-la-semaine-de-linformation-geospatiale-gi-education-pour-lavenir-25-29-janvier-2021/